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Boasting subsidiaries dating back to 1832 and routes "Through the Heart of the South," the Seaboard Air Line Railway reached the pinnacle of its prosperity during the 1940s, when war traffic kept its lines in constant demand. In 1967, the Seaboard merged with the Atlantic Coast Line to form the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. Some important dates…
July 1, 1900 -- Formed by consolidation of separate railroads that had comprised the Seaboard Air Line system (SAL name was first used in 1871).
January 1, 1928 -- SAL merges the Georgia, Florida & Alabama RR.
August 1, 1946 -- SAL emerges from bankruptcy, changes name from Railway to Railroad.
March 1, 1958 -- SAL merges the Macon, Dublin & Savannah RR.
June 22, 1959 -- SAL purchases the Gainesville Midland RR.