Merrill Lynch
On January 6,1914, Charles E Merrill & Company opens its doors. Merrill's credo: "I have no fear of failure, provided I use my heart and head, hands and feet — and work like hell." Merrill persuades Lynch to join him and, on May 19th, they open their office at 7 Wall Street.
In 1915, Charles E. Merrill & Company changes its name to Merrill, Lynch & Company. At the time, an associate noted the partners' complementary strengths: "Merrill could imagine the possibilities; Lynch imagined what might go wrong in a malevolent world."
In 1919, Merrill, Lynch & Company hires Annie Grimes as its operations manager, launching the career of Wall Street's first bond saleswoman.
In 1932, as part of his investor education effort, Charlie Merrill puts his grocery-store chain experience (Merrill Lynch had earlier purchased Safeway Stores) to use in founding Family Circle, the first grocery store point-of-sale magazine.
On May 12, 1938, Edmund Lynch passes away in England, at the age of 52. Out of respect to his deceased partner, Charlie Merrill decides to drop the comma from Merrill, Lynch & Co. and create the name of the modern firm, Merrill Lynch.
In the 1940’s, Merrill Lynch, E. A. Pierce & Cassatt and Fenner & Beane (a securities firm originally based in New Orleans) merge. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane becomes the world's largest securities house, with offices in 93 cities and memberships in 28 exchanges.
In 1956, Merrill Lynch is selected as one of seven managers to bring Ford Motor Company public. The $600 million offering sets a record that lasts for nine years and gives the firm its first billion-dollar underwriting year. That same year, Charles E. Merrill passes away on October 6th at the age of 70.
In 1958, the firm changes its name from Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Beane to Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, is incorporated and joins the board of the New York Stock Exchange.
In 1971, after years of planning, Merrill Lynch goes public, the second Big Board member to do so, but the first to have its shares listed on the exchange. That year, during the baseball World Series that saw the Pittsburgh Pirates edge out the Baltimore Orioles, Merrill Lynch introduces its "Merrill Lynch is bullish on America" ad campaign in a television commercial.
In 1973, to provide more flexibility, the firm becomes the first in the securities business to adopt a holding company format, with Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. as the parent and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith as the operating subsidiary.
In 1974, symbolizing growth, strength, optimism and confidence, the Bull logo is introduced and becomes the trademark on which all of the financial service subsidiaries of Merrill Lynch & Co. will be identified.